Gaye Mack Ignite Your Passion Book Author Interview

An interview with our “Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark” Amazon Kindle anthology co-author Gaye Mack.

CyberLife Tutors: You are a co-author of “Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark. “What is it that you are passionate about?
Gaye Mack: Throughout my younger and later adult years, my life has been influenced by a variety of passions. Some have been transitory; others have firmly remained as I’ve grown older. If I were to identify the one ‘umbrella’ passion it would be exploration of those things that exist beyond our five senses and how we’re affected by them as spirit in body. The pathways of my explorations have been varied; interest in cultures around the world, their spiritual and ancient healing traditions, experiencing them first hand and, always writing, writing, writing.

CyberLife Tutors: Why did you contribute this specific story to “Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark?”
Gaye Mack: If I’ve learned nothing else (but that’s not to say I always ‘listen to my own lectures’ as a friend of mine is fond of quoting), it’s the importance of trusting our gut, intuition, whatever term is comfortable for you. Listening to our soul’s wisdom is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves this lifetime on our evolutional path and it’s not easy because our ego always wants to be in charge. I felt it was important to share my own experience with this lesson and the rocky road I traveled to ‘get it’ (and still am!) in my own life.

CyberLife Tutors: Is this your first published book? If not, what other books have you published?
Gaye Mack: No. As I mention in my story, Polair Publishing- London, has published my books, “Igniting Soul Fire, Spiritual Dimensions of the Bach Flower Remedies” and “Making Complementary Therapies Work for You” (which has been translated into German). I’m also a contributing author along with Donald Neale Walsh, Irvin Laszlo and other spiritual pioneers, to “The View~Mind Over Matter, Heart Over Mind from Conan Doyle to Conversations with God.”

CyberLife Tutors: What else would you to share with our readers
Gaye Mack: Currently I have two 12th century historical mysteries represented by my literary agent, Peter Miller of Global Lion Intellectual Property Management with the goal of obtaining a contract with one of the traditional houses, as I work on the third book in this series. I’m also working on a sequel to “Igniting Soul Fire, Spiritual Dimensions of the Bach Flower Remedies“, which looks at the connection between Dr. Edward Bach’s Twelve Healers and the evolutional karmic story in our astrological birth chart.

CyberLife Tutors: You have a special offer for our readers?

Gaye Mack: As an active practitioner and teacher in the Bach flower remedies, I do see people privately for evaluation sessions regarding the flower remedies. For those who are also interested in astrology as well, sessions may include some integration with this tradition; it’s always up to the client. For more complete information on my Bach work, its best to look at my website or blog.

CyberLife Tutors: How can our readers contact you?
Gaye Mack: Find me on my website, blog, Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Email me at gayemack at

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