Join us April 29 2-4PM for a free LinkedIn class for professionals with social media coach April M. Williams at Algonquin Area Public Library District.
* Are you on LinkedIn and wonder, “now what?”
* Find out how to leverage your professional connections to boost your career.
Learn how to leverage your LinkedIn network to discover the hidden job market and join groups to increase your chance of being found by recruiters and hiring managers.
April M. Williams demonstrates how to make the most of your LinkedIn profile. This is a hands on session and computers are provided. Students must already have a LinkedIn profile and a minimum of five contacts before attending the workshop.
Class is at the Algonquin Area Public Library District main library located at, 2600 Harnish Dr, Algonquin, IL. Call the library 847.458.6060 to register or for more information. Seating for this workshop is limited.
For information on upcoming programs, visit our CyberLife Tutors events calendar.