Tag Archives: Julie Bailey

Social Media: Choosing the Right Sites to Drive Business

Are you new to social media and overwhelmed by the number of sites to choose from? Is your time too precious to waste on social networking without payback? Come to the Powder Room in Algonquin and learn about the choices that are best for your business.

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April M. Williams of CyberLife Tutors will give you the basics to make an inform decision. Find out what the most used social media sites are, know how to tell if they are a good fit for your business, see how they can increase your credibility in your field and how you can use them to increase revenue.

The Powder Room is at 328 South Main Street in downtown Algonquin. Their phone number is (224) 241-8242.

Join us Oct 11, 2012 6:30-7:45. Tickets just $20 in advance. Get both an autographed copy of April M. Williams book “Social Networking Throughout Your Career” ($9.99 value) and the seminar just $25.

Seats are limited. Click below to register.
