Tag Archives: non-responsive website

Google Penalizes Mobile Unfriendly Sites

If your website is not mobile friendly, your sites’ search engine rankings will soon tank. This means if you have a traditional website that does not automatically adjust in format for readability by smartphones and tablets, your site will not show up in search results optimized for these devices. Non-responsive is another term used to describe these sites that are harder for mobile users to navigate.

Why is this change occurring? Google’s announcement states:

Starting April 21, 2015 we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in our search results. Consequently, users will find it easier to get relevant, high quality search results that are optimized for their devices.

To find out if Google considers your website Mobile friendly, use the Google Mobile Friendly Test. Paste in the link to your website and click “Analyze.” If your site passes, your done. If your site fails the test, now is the time to update your site to a format friendly to mobile devices.

Over 80% of internet users own a smart phone according to a report by Smart Insights. They state that consumers prefer to use websites through a variety of devices.

You can use your Webmaster Tools account to get a full list of mobile usability issues across your site using the Mobile Usability Report.

If you need help with these updates, feel free to contact me to aid in updating your site or offer a referral.


CyberLife Tutors site is mobile friendly

CLT mobile friendly

CLT mobile friendly