Do you use an editorial calendar to manage your social media updates, blog posts and marketing communications?
I am commonly asked “Now I have my social media profiles set up, what should I say?” Planning your posts with an editorial calendar can make this task less stressful. An editorial calendar is your plan for publishing specific content on specific dates and specific times. Planning in advance allows adequate preparation time and relieves the last-minute rush. Use your editorial calendar as a planning and tracking mechanism.
Planning your updates with an editorial calendar can save you time. Update the editorial calendar and another person can carry out the activities while you attend to other business.
Consider the topics you want to cover in your updates or blog and write out what you intend to say in your post. Next to each piece of content, note where each will be posted and the post date. Posting the same content on multiple sites often requires modifying the character length or formatting.
An editorial calendar is even more useful when more than one person manages a social media and marketing plan. Everyone involved can use the calendar to keep abreast of the most current updates.
You can create your editorial calendar using a lined notepad, white board or spreadsheet. Whichever tool works best for you is the best choice. Begin by working across each row to complete your editorial calendar. As you have new information, add it to your editorial calendar so all related items are in one central location.
Here is our own CyberLife Tutors Editorial Calendar Template to get you started. Download our editorial calendar and use our tracking system to plan out your next social media, blog or marketing campaign. Let us know what you think in the comment section below.
Yes i use editorial calender! That’s really look great! I am so grateful for update the editorial calendar and another person can carry out the activities while you attend to other business.
Yes. One of the benefits of a well written social media editorial calendar is someone else can execute the plan.
– April M. Williams