How To Get Started With a Blog and Blogging

Have you wondered about blogging? What is a blog? What will a blog do for me?

We will be talking blogs here over the next several months. Be sure you do not miss an article, sign up for our Enews and Updates in the box on the right side of the page.

Blogs can help you in your career. How?

  • Find your audience
  • Let others know about your products and services
  • Allow you to stand out above the crowd?
  • Find the easiest way to interact with your readers and potential readers?

Over the next few weeks we will be sharing more information on how you get get started with blogs and blogging to move your career forward. Can’t wait? Contact us to get started now.

"Where Are You Today?" travel blog
“Where Are You Today?” travel blog

Do you have a blog? Click on “comments” at the top of this article and tell us about your blog. Let us know your topic and leave a link to your blog.

How often should I blog?

53 thoughts on “How To Get Started With a Blog and Blogging”

  1. You know blogging is the best thing since the invention of the wheel………..i read a lot of material that says they are dying and a total waste etc etc. How wrong and how opinions vary, to quote, ‘Nobody knows everything, but everybody can learn’

    I tell everyone looking for work, or wanting to be seen as an authority on a topic to start blogging, its fun, informative, exciting and available to everyone.

    Its great to see all the contributions here April 🙂 and some blogs that i will add to my RSS Feed, my blog the Oracle can be found at, good luck with your blogs everyone look forward to reading future updates.

    1. Great points Andy. As you mentioned, for those in career transition, a blog shows your authority in your field and demonstrates credibility. This is an often overlooked job search marketing technique. Looking forward to your wise words your blog.

  2. I’m not a dedicated blogger, more like an occasional writer who uses this medium for extended thoughts. Otherwise it’s Twitter and Facebook for me. (I’m in my third year of FB haikus!)

  3. My blog is about assisting entrepreneurs and small companies about understanding online marketing and some tools,software, and strategies that they could use. I love blogging it has been something that has taught me a lot and made some amazing connections as well. There is somethings that you will always have to learn but the experience is so amazing.

  4. I almost didn’t attend your blogging class tonight and after being here for just 1 hour – I’m so
    happy I decided to attend. I learned so many ways to improve my blog and help out my business
    with blogging. Thanks April!

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