Steven Covey‘s 7th habit in his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People“, is “Sharpen the Saw“. For Covey, this means growth and self renewal in physical, social/emotional, mental, and spiritual areas of your life. By challenging ourselves, we stretch our mental capacity to keep on top of our game.
My husband and I enjoy traveling and learning about local people, customs and cultures of the places we visit. In Hawaii, we often encounter Japanese tourists and residents who speak limited English. We decided to learn to speak Japanese to better communicate when we are on island. My husband devotes more time to this studying and further ahead in this journey. He is able to converse to understand and get his point across in Japanese.
Sharpening the saw in your business is also important. Staying current with evolving trends and technology allows you to better communicate with your customers. What are you doing to sharpen your saw?
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