LinkedIn Strategies for Your Career


April M. Williams
CyberLife Tutors
(414) 502-7745

Career Transitions Center of Chicago hosts a special presentation with speaker, author, blogger and coach April M. Williams on March 29, 2011.
ALGONQIUN, ILLINOIS – February 18, 2011
The Career Transitions Center of Chicago will feature author and executive coach April M. Williams and her presentation “Strategies to Be Found on LinkedIn” to land your dream job. Attendees will learn ways to make the most out of Linkedin to be more effective in their job search.

The session will be held from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm on Tuesday, March 29th in the Career Transitions Center Great Room at 703 West Monroe, Chicago, Illinois, 60661.

CNN says 84% of Americans plan to look for a new position this year. How will you differentiate yourself from the competition? Hiring managers and recruiters are looking for someone with your skills on LinkedIn. Will they find you? Master strategies to be noticed on LinkedIn and land your dream job. Learn in how you can benefit from the using LinkedIn in session with April M. Williams.

“No longer is a good web presence optional. Smart career management requires leveraging LinkedIn and other online capabilities. April is a valuable and informed resource and guide.”
–  Laura Sterkel, Director, Programs & Coaching, Career Transitions Center of Chicago.

With over 5,000 first level connection, April knows how to leverage LinkedIn and maximize the power of her network. Visit April’s LinkedIn profile to see her client, coworker and partner recommendations.

Offered to CTC clients and the public at no charge. Register by email to For more information, contact Career Transitions Center of Chicago at (312) 906-9908.

April M. Williams, a nationally recognized speaker, author, coach and blogger actively leverages the power of social networking tools. April is President of CyberLife Tutors and shows clients how to leverage their strengths to enhance their business. April published a book “Social Networking Throughout Your Career” and has been featured in major publications including the Wall Street Journal, Project Management Institute, Savvy, Business Journal and Nations Restaurant News.

April 08

ABOUT CyberLife Tutors – Serving McHenry County, Northern Illinois and surrounding areas to promote business through low cost, high impact marketing, building relationships and driving results.

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