Google begins rolling out “Google Search Plus Your World” on 1/10/12 which incorporates posts, comments and pictures from those you are connect with through Google Plus.
Google introduces these big changes which impact search capabilities and results. Previously, Google search took into account your personal information and location to customize your search results to make them meaningful to you. With Google Search Plus Your World, results include your Google Plus contacts information, tips, comments, news, pictures and video.
Here the official notice from Google.According to Google, “you can see how your results look for a particular search with or without personal results by clicking the personal results button or the
globe button on the top right side of the search results page. You can also turn off personal results in your search settings”
ABC and Associate Press expressed concerns about the impact these changes have on search competition, Twitter, Facebook and anti-trust issues.
Google is connecting authors to their individual internet content through their Google Plus account. This allows authors to rank in search results based on their portfolio of writing as an author or publisher. Learn how to connect your Google Plus account to your content.
Google Plus personal accounts have been around for a months while Google Plus business pages are more recent. These two profiles will not only impact organic search results, third party endorsements from your connections will sway consumer’s opinion and impact click through rates.
Find April M. Williams and CyberLife Tutors on Google Plus.