I now have the updated new LinkedIn profile layout. Over the past months, LinkedIn began rolling out the new design to members. The new look features bolder heading to divide sections and highlights recent activity. There are more graphics on the page including company logos and icons for each section of the profile. Only the first few recommendations are immediately visible. To see the rest, click on “See More.” Icons for each of the groups you belong to are now grouped in rows instead of one long column.
With the new LinkedIn profile layout, you can include examples of your work with media links to a video, image, document or presentation. LinkedIn is gradually rolling out this ability to add media links to the Summary, Education and Experience sections. If you don’t see this option on your new LinkedIn profile layout be patient until the feature appears.
To add media links to your new LinkedIn profile layout:
- Click Profile at the top of your homepage.
- Click Edit in the top section of your profile.
- Scroll down to the section where you want to add content and click the add media link (it looks like a square with a plus sign). Move your cursor over the link and you will see, “Add a link to a video, image, document, presentation…”.
- Type or paste the link to your content into the Add a link field that appears. A picture of your content will then display with pre-filled Title and Description fields.Note: It may take several seconds for this to happen. You can edit the content in these fields if you wish.
- Click Save.
The new LinkedIn profile layout is not compatible with Internet Explorer 7. Upgrade to Internet Explorer 8 to see the new features.

If do not have the new LinkedIn profile layout, sign up here: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/sample.