Students rave about our LinkedIn Webinars for Job Seekers sessions and requested an Advanced Class. Our first session is December 15 at 2PM central. A limited number of seats are available for this session. The introductory $19 price is for this session only.
Sessions will last about 60 minutes with time for participant questions. Please note: your registration confirmation will include logon information and dial-in number (long distance charges may apply).
Basic computer knowledge and a computer (Mac, Linux or Windows) with high-speed internet access and telephone. You do not have to install or download software. All you need is a browser, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari.
Special rate *** this class only *** : $19
Call April to register 414.502.7745 or register online with the BUY NOW button below.
Check out April M. Williams’ career advice and networking tips at