Share Your Facebook Fan Page Here

I met many McHenry County business owners at the Facebook class I taught last night. This is the first of four social networking classes in the series at the Shah Center in McHenry. Next up are classes on Twitter, blogs and LinkedIn.

During the session, each participant set up a business page. One of the questions was “How do I get more Fans for my business page?”

CyberLife Tutors Facebook Business Page
LIKE our CyberLife Tutors Facebook Business Page

Here is one way to build you business page “LIKES”.

Click on “comments” at the top of this article and tell us the name of your Facebook business page so we can “LIKE” it. In “website” field, enter the link to your customize Facebook profile URL we created in class last night. My custom profile URL is

Once you have more than 25 ‘LIKES’ on your business  page, you can create your custom Facebook vanity URL for your business page.  Go to to select and set your URL.

I will be sharing more Facebook tips on our blog. Be sure you do not miss a article, sign up for our Enews and Updates in the box on the right side of the page.

Thanks for sharing. Please stop by our CyberLife Tutors Facebook page and add us to your page’s “favorites”.

15 thoughts on “Share Your Facebook Fan Page Here”

  1. Great blog and idea April to start boosting profiles and presence on facebook, to start the ball rolling here’s my facebook page link

    Career and Jobseeker Mapping = a successful strategy for jobsearch and career development, the page details tips and updates from the recruitment and jobsearch market place and has links to download the free eBook and templates to carry out your own Mapping strategy.

    Look forward to seeing you all pass by

    Best wishes


    1. Thanks for your comment, Andy. This offer is open to everyone including you, my friend across the pond. Interesting how social media brings the world together.

      I look forward to checking out these new business pages. I visited your page and “LIKED” it too.

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