Category Archives: personal branding

Attract More Clients

Ready to attract more clients? Let the LAW OF ATTRACTION work for you.

Attract More Clients Using LinkedIn and the Law of Attraction
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Let CyberLife Tutors show you how to get more from your online network

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You heard about LinkedIn from professional associates and possibly even created your profile. Now it is time to use LinkedIn to attract clients to you.

A quick overview of LinkedIn: It is an online professional networking tool used around the globe. According to LinkedIn, you can network with 70 million members from over 200 countries, including executives from all Fortune 500 companies. Members are split evenly between the United States and other countries. Basic LinkedIn membership is free though premium memberships are available.

Logging on to LinkedIn and creating your professional profile is the first step to building your online presence. Your goal is to attract clients and engage in business transactions.

This 34 page guide will walk you through the best practices for creating a profile that attracts clients, and the best ways to use LinkedIn as a tool to build your business. In each section you can stop reading, update your profile and come back for more.

Buy today and receive special bonus material too!

Buy now via PayPal, just $19.99 for instant access!

U.S. Cellular Raving Fans

When I stopped by to visit Barb Mikula in her office, I could not miss the Raving Fans board near the door with thank you notes from her customers. Reading these notes I could tell Barb provided the type of customer service Ken Blanchard writes about in his book Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach To Customer Service.

I was thinking of Barb when I heard the new U.S. Cellular ads on television. In these spots, the cell phone company highlight one of their customers including a phone number for follow up. This is similar to the Get Promoted Client Spotlight we do at CyberLife Tutors.

Get Promoted! CyberLife Tutors Client Spotlight

Customers rave about the service at U.S. Cellular stores. Every employee is empowered to make sure the customer is happy. I have seen employees walk customers out to their cars with umbrellas when it rains. One employee tells me, “You do not choose to work at U.S. Cellular, they choose you.”

What to experience our Raving Fans service? Give us a call at 414.502.7745.
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