Tag Archives: Relationship Marketing Cafe

Relationship Marketing Cafe Interviews April M Williams


Contact April M. Williams
CyberLife Tutors
(414) 502-7745
april at cyberlifetutors.com


Relationship Marketing Cafe Interviews Author April M. Williams


ALGONQUIN, ILLINOIS – November 1, 2010

Relationship Marketing Cafe recently interviewed author April M. Williams for her business networking series.

This series is designed for those interesting in growing their business with media as a business building tool. Hosted by D’vorah Lansky, members learn the power of free tools to target specific customers. Sessions cover multiple social networking topics and guest bloggers.

April M. Williams, a nationally recognized speaker, author, coach and blogger actively leverages the power of social networking tools. April is President of CyberLife Tutors and shows clients how to leverage their strengths to enhance their business. April published a book “Social Networking Throughout Your Career” and has been featured in major publications including the Wall Street Journal, Project Management Institute, Savvy, Business Journal and Nations Restaurant News.

ABOUT the CyberLife Tutors – Serving McHenry County, Northern Illinois and surrounding areas to promote business through low cost, high impact marketing, building relationships and driving results.

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Interview with the Author

When D’vorah Lansky asked be to be a guest on Relationship Marketing Cafe, I jumped at the chance. On Monday April 28, 2010 I was a guest of relationship marketing expert D’vorah Lansky on her podcast The Blog Station.

Back when D’vorah initally launched her podcast, I was honored to be her first guest on the show. Two years later, I was delighted to be invited back for a repeat visit. As a guest, I am in good company. Industry experts from around the country have been guests on the show.

D’vorah and I initially met through a LinkedIn discussion group. We traded emails back and forth before moving our conversation to the telephone. Over the years we developed a mutually beneficial business relationship. D’vorah is a co-author in the “Ignite Your Passion” book.

Do not worry if you missed the call. You can listen to the recorded session for tips on how to grow your business.
D’vorah Lansky of The Blog Station interviews author April M. Williams.

The Blog Station with host D’vorah Lansky