Tag Archives: anthology

Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark V2 Submissions Welcome

We are accepting submissions for second volume of Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark anthology. Do you have a story inside?

You are a passionate person, actively pursuing your passion in life and I encourage you to share your story with others. I invite you to join me in creating an anthology about your passion:
– What passion means to you, why it is important, how you found your passion, how others can find their passion.

This is the second volume in a series, first volume published Winter 2013 on Kindle and Amazon.com paperback. Click on the links then click “Look Inside” to read the first chapter.

"Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark" now availble in paperback and Kindle

Here’s the scoop:
Theme: Importance of understanding your passion and how to find your passion.
* What we are passionate about
* How you found our passion
* How the reader can find their passion

  • Chapter: about 2500 – 3000 words. This is about 3 pages typed or the lenght of a 5-7 minute presentation. You are responsible for editing the chapter you submit. You may use stories, experiences or facts.
  • Goal: To motivate, inform and inspire readers.
  • Bio: Include your 75 word bio and contact information which will be included with your chapter. You may include links to your website, products or services.
  • Cost: There is no cost for submitting a chapter. Contributors will not be compensated for their contributions. The final product will be available for purchase.
  • Format: Text including .txt or .rtf submissions welcome including email. Contact me if you would like to submit a chapter in another output type. All chapters will be uniformly formatted for Kindle and paperback.
  • Due by: Please submit final chapters by October 1, 2013. All submissions will be reviewed and selected authors will be notified by October 31, 2013. Anticipated publish date late 2103.
  • Benefits of participating: You will receive a complimentary electronic copy of the book. Inclusion in the book will bring you exposure to new audiences. Each chapter will include links back to the contributor author including contact information and website or products. Showcase your writing with your own Amazon.com author page.

You will, of course, receive full credit for any materials you submit both, in connection to the book and as possible inclusion in any future publications.


Questions? Just let give me a call (414) 502-7745 or email me april at cyberlifetutors@yahoo.com
April M. Williams

Tara Bider Ignite Your Passion Book Author Interview

An interview with our “Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark” Amazon Kindle anthology co-author Tara Bider.

CyberLife Tutors: You are a co-author of “Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark. “What is it that you are passionate about?
Tara Bider: My curiosity is my passion! It leads me to discover things that affect my life in ways big and small. Curiosity opens up the world to me. It leads me to being passionate about helping people understand how travel (a little or a lot) influences our view of the people we interact with on a daily basis. When we see how others live, it promotes tolerance of our differences and also highlights our similarities.

CyberLife Tutors: Why did you contribute this specific story to “Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark?”
Tara Bider: It is important for me to help others understand that sometimes the answer to what your passion is may not be clear. My experience with passion is that it evolves over time.

CyberLife Tutors: Is this your first published book? If not, what other books have you published?
Tara Bider: This is my first published book!

CyberLife Tutors: What else would you to share with our readers
Tara Bider: Bravery is easier through writing…

CyberLife Tutors: How can our readers contact you?
Tara Bider: Readers can visit my Everest blog at http://suburban-sherpa.blogspot.com, my monthly blog at GenevaPatch.com , via email at NextStopKili45 at @gmail.com, or follow me on Twitter @Suburban_Sherpa.

Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark

Announcing “Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark” Kindle anthology.

Have you lost your passion and excitement for work? Not sure how to get the thrill back? Then “Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark” will fire you up. Our authors share their insights to help you find your passion in life. Don’t stay stuck in a life that is not fulfilling. Find out how to take control of your destiny, find your purpose and get what you really desire. In the “Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark” anthology, twenty-five authors share their stories of how they found their passion and how you can ignite your internal spark.

Ignite Your Passion KIndle Your Internal Spark ebook

These personal narratives reveal techniques you can use immediately to get more from every day as we lead you through exercises and proven approaches.

We live in a time of change and opportunity. This book supplies readers with proven methods they can use to transform their greatest hopes into reality!

Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark authors include Christopher McCann, Gaye Mack, Lisa Deon, Tara Bider, Peter Gault, Izzy Kharasch, Doug Elwell, Mark Frietch, D’vorah Lansky, Michelle Kabele, Sheri Bland, Andy Hughes, Julia Gorelik, Sandra Larkin, Lynnette Phillips, Linda Eenigenburg, Dick Hattan, Mark Cummuta, Matt Lossau, Stefan Levy, Maria Odiamar Racho, Mark Stelzner, Sue Schuerr, Wally Amos, April M. Williams. Editing Lori Albert and Lou Camp. Cover design Kyle E. Williams.

Click the picture below to buy your copy today.

Press Pause Moments Anthology

I was delighted when Anne Witkavitch asked me to participate in her “Press Pause Moments” anthology about women authors facing transition in their lives. As a co-author, I contributed a story about experiences with transition in my personal and professional life.

The 36 contributing women writers tell their individual stories of change, struggles and triumph.

Get your copy at Amazon.com.

Press Pause Moments Essays About Life Transitions

The team at Press Pause Anthology invited me to be part of the work titled,

Press Pause Moments, compiled & edited by Anne Witkavitch. The anthology is being published by Kiwi Publishing, a small press in Connecticut.

I am delighted to be am included along with my fellow Algonquin Area Writers Group member Claire Beck.

My contribution is my personal tale of transition from the corporate world to business owner entitled “Brand New Strings” Thanks to fellow writer Lisa Williams for editing my story.

The title comes from my husband and the joy he gets from playing on a restrung guitar as the bright sounds ring out.

Nothing like a set of brand new stings

This career transition gave me a renewed sense of purpose and direction. My passion for my work shines like a set of brand new strings. More on the book launch soon.

Find Your Passion for Life

Several years ago, I was working at a large corporation and found I had lost my passion for my job. I lost my passion for the work I was doing and dreaded the 2 1/2 to 4 hours a day commute. My efforts seemed futile and felt unrewarding. I thought there must be more to my career and life.

Over the next several months my life began to change. Both Internal and external forces shifted opening doorways to a radically different career and life style for me. I said “goodbye” to 4 hour commutes and the corporate world. It was “hello” to self employment, new clients and partners.

Through this transformation, people noticed how excited and passionate I was about my work. They were excited too. I collected my thought in an essay which started the “Ignite Your Passion” book. The anthology brings together the stories of 17 people who have found their passion for their careers.
"Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark" now availble in paperback and Kindle