Tag Archives: book

Social Networks Are The Newest Recruiting Tool

I just read an article in Forbes that said social networks are the newest recruiting tool.

Here are a couple of LinkedIn statistics from the article:
* used by 80% of companies recruiting through the social Web.
* 90% of companies that recruit through social networks have successfully found candidates on LinkedIn.

I talk with recruiters and hiring managers every week who tell me the same thing. They research candidates online and what they find impacts their decision to follow up. They do not hire those who have negative comments or pictures on their profile.

Just as interesting, they do not hire people without a social networking presence either. They assume the candidate who is not online is “behind the times”, “out of touch”, “just not current”. Who wants to hire someone like this?

I am so passionate about the topic, so I had to write this book, Social Networking Throughout Your Career: What’s All the Buzz About? I go way beyond the basics in the book. My goal was to answer some of the deeper, more specific questions I’m asked.

What would you say to someone who asked you “Why should I join LinkedIn?”

Attract More Clients

Ready to attract more clients? Let the LAW OF ATTRACTION work for you.

Attract More Clients Using LinkedIn and the Law of Attraction
Buy now via PayPal, just $19.99 for instant access!

What is inside this book …

Let CyberLife Tutors show you how to get more from your online network

Buy now via PayPal, just $19.99 for instant access!

You heard about LinkedIn from professional associates and possibly even created your profile. Now it is time to use LinkedIn to attract clients to you.

A quick overview of LinkedIn: It is an online professional networking tool used around the globe. According to LinkedIn, you can network with 70 million members from over 200 countries, including executives from all Fortune 500 companies. Members are split evenly between the United States and other countries. Basic LinkedIn membership is free though premium memberships are available.

Logging on to LinkedIn and creating your professional profile is the first step to building your online presence. Your goal is to attract clients and engage in business transactions.

This 34 page guide will walk you through the best practices for creating a profile that attracts clients, and the best ways to use LinkedIn as a tool to build your business. In each section you can stop reading, update your profile and come back for more.

Buy today and receive special bonus material too!

Buy now via PayPal, just $19.99 for instant access!

Press Pause Moments Essays About Life Transitions

The team at Press Pause Anthology invited me to be part of the work titled,

Press Pause Moments, compiled & edited by Anne Witkavitch. The anthology is being published by Kiwi Publishing, a small press in Connecticut.

I am delighted to be am included along with my fellow Algonquin Area Writers Group member Claire Beck.

My contribution is my personal tale of transition from the corporate world to business owner entitled “Brand New Strings” Thanks to fellow writer Lisa Williams for editing my story.

The title comes from my husband and the joy he gets from playing on a restrung guitar as the bright sounds ring out.

Nothing like a set of brand new stings

This career transition gave me a renewed sense of purpose and direction. My passion for my work shines like a set of brand new strings. More on the book launch soon.

Social Networking Thoughout Your Career Book Reviews on Amazon

Are you getting enough value from your social networking? What’s all the Buzz About? After hearing these questions from my clients over and over, I wrote a book on the topic.

Yesterday another client quoted my book while we talked saying “I’m learning so much!”

Another person showed me the passages she highlighted and her list of action items in progress.

So I had to write this book, Social Networking Throughout Your Career: What’s All the Buzz About? I go way beyond the basics in the book. My goal was to answer some of the deeper, more specific questions I’m asked.

Here is a couple of 5 star reviews you can read on Amazon.com:
Keith Warrick says:

This is an excellent primer on just how social networking tools have emerged as the primary go-to resources for finding job candidates and how one needs to effectively leverage and marshall them in order to attain professional/career aspirations.

April does an excellent job outlining how all of them – Linkedin, FaceBook, Twitter, etc – have their place and value and offers excellent suggestions on just what one needs to do in order to stay on top of them. It’s all about developing an effective strategy and staying with it throughout one’s career not just when one is unemployed. Too many of us stop networking once we land a job thinking that it is no longer necessary. You’re wrong and this book tells you why.

There are some valuable lessons here for anyone that does not think that having a positive social media presence is important in these times – it is mission critical.

This book is an excellent reference that you can refer back to time and time again.

Suzanne Kauss “MY SPECIAL ASSISTANT” says:

If you snooze on reading Social Networking you might as well keep snoozing!
My title of this review is EXACTLY what I got from April’s book entitled “Social Networking Throughtout Your Career”…..If you snooze on Social Networking you might as well keep snoozing! I was not even the least bit interested in social networking except for my personal facebook page….after reading this book it was very clear to me there is no other way to market a business but social networking! The book covers many scenarios and I know you will find WHY you and/or your business NEED to get started. The urgency to learn more and get started was so overwhelming while I was reading this book, all I wanted to do was to get started NOW as I do not want to be left behind!Social NetworkIng Throughout Your Career: What’s All the Buzz About?

Learn more Social NetworkIng Throughout Your Career: What’s All the Buzz About?

Learning Japanese to Sharpen the Saw

Steven Covey‘s 7th habit in his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People“,  is “Sharpen the Saw“. For Covey, this means growth and self renewal in physical, social/emotional, mental, and spiritual areas of your life. By challenging ourselves, we stretch our mental capacity to keep on top of our game.

My husband and I enjoy traveling and learning about local people, customs and cultures of the places we visit. In Hawaii, we often encounter Japanese tourists and residents who speak limited English. We decided to learn to speak Japanese to better communicate when we are on island. My husband devotes more time to this studying and further ahead in this journey. He is able to converse to understand and get his point across in Japanese.

Sharpening the saw in your business is also important. Staying current with evolving trends and  technology allows you to better communicate with your customers. What are you doing to sharpen your saw?

Find Your Passion for Life

Several years ago, I was working at a large corporation and found I had lost my passion for my job. I lost my passion for the work I was doing and dreaded the 2 1/2 to 4 hours a day commute. My efforts seemed futile and felt unrewarding. I thought there must be more to my career and life.

Over the next several months my life began to change. Both Internal and external forces shifted opening doorways to a radically different career and life style for me. I said “goodbye” to 4 hour commutes and the corporate world. It was “hello” to self employment, new clients and partners.

Through this transformation, people noticed how excited and passionate I was about my work. They were excited too. I collected my thought in an essay which started the “Ignite Your Passion” book. The anthology brings together the stories of 17 people who have found their passion for their careers.
"Ignite Your Passion Kindle Your Internal Spark" now availble in paperback and Kindle

Interview with the Author

When D’vorah Lansky asked be to be a guest on Relationship Marketing Cafe, I jumped at the chance. On Monday April 28, 2010 I was a guest of relationship marketing expert D’vorah Lansky on her podcast The Blog Station.

Back when D’vorah initally launched her podcast, I was honored to be her first guest on the show. Two years later, I was delighted to be invited back for a repeat visit. As a guest, I am in good company. Industry experts from around the country have been guests on the show.

D’vorah and I initially met through a LinkedIn discussion group. We traded emails back and forth before moving our conversation to the telephone. Over the years we developed a mutually beneficial business relationship. D’vorah is a co-author in the “Ignite Your Passion” book.

Do not worry if you missed the call. You can listen to the recorded session for tips on how to grow your business.
D’vorah Lansky of The Blog Station interviews author April M. Williams.

The Blog Station with host D’vorah Lansky

Winner Ignite Your Passion Book

Announcing the winner of the Ignite Your Passion book.

My birthday is in April and I celebrated throughout the entire month with a contest for my blog readers. Anyone who contributed a comment to my blog was entered to win the prize and each comment was another chance to win. Readers could submit entries anytime during the month of April 2010.

Congratulations to our winner of the April 2010 “Ignite Your Passion” contest, Scott D. Irwin, of Expressive Tech. Scott is a fellow Toastmaster. He received a copy of the anthology in which 17 authors sharing their unique stories of passion:

  • What they are passionate about
  • How they found their passion
  • How you can find your passion
Ignite Your Passion Book
17 authors stories in “Ignite Your Passion” book

Scott, Thank you for entering the contest and enjoy reading your book. Please feel free to share your thoughts about the stories or comment on the ones that had the greatest impact on you.

Gift Idea and Free Stuff

Need a unique and practical gift for a graduate? Several people I met this week told me they bought copies of my book Social NetworkIng Throughout Your Career: What’s All the Buzz About? as gifts for for college and high school grads.

They said they have also recommending the book for their friends. One reader showed me how she highlighted points and action items she is working on implementing. Thank you to Keith Warrick for the first Social NetworkIng Throughout Your Career: What’s All the Buzz About?
5-star review on Amazon.com.

You can purchase the Social Networking Throughout Your Career book at Amazon.com.

Networking For Results DVD
Netowrking For Results DVD (51 Minutes)

If your graduate is also looking for a a job, consider a Networking for Results DVD packed with 51 minutes of nuggets to help land a job in today’s economy. As a special bonus, if you purchase Networking for Results DVD, I will include a copy of Social NetworkIng Throughout Your Career: What’s All the Buzz About?

F-R-E-E. After you place your order for the DVD, just send me an email the same day with the subject line “free book”. I’ll include the book and DVD in the same shipment sent to you or your graduate.

Please let me know if you would like to have the book personalized and I will be happy to sign your copy. To take advantage of this offer, send your email the same day you order the book. This offer ends September 30, 2010 so do not wait to make your purchase.

The Blog Station Interview

Join me on the The Blog Station interview show.

Monday April 28, 2010 I will be a guest of relationship marketing expert D’vorah Lansky on The Blog Station. Join us on this call 1PM Eastern, noon Central for tips on how to grow your business. We will discuss personal marketing and my new book Social NetworkIng Throughout Your Career: What’s All the Buzz About?

· Conference Dial-In: 1-712-432-3100
· Conference Code: 911123

The Blog Station with host D’vorah Lansky